The brand is basically dead, but incorporating free giveaways in college campuses will spread awareness and engagements, which will bring the brand back to life. Need help spreading brand awareness? Contact 1338Tryon Today. Why College Students Are a Key Audience. If college students are so broke, then why are they the key audience? You aren t necessarily doing your school or university any favors buying the same swag items for college students v MBA students. Sure, some college promotional swag items are useful and loved by all, but there is a different message you re trying to send to each group. Choosing the right giveaway sends the right message. Choosing the wrong … Promotional giveaways giveaways for college freshman new student orientation get your college s name noticed…fast, easy, in a way that meets your marketing budget…100 Risk-FREE! MARCO has been providing unbeatable prices, quality, service to colleges universities since 1964. FREE samples. 110 lowest price match. FREE 24-Hour Rush. These college fair giveaways give students the best of both worlds. They can either go old school by jotting down their notes or opt for convenience and store their files in the USB pen you gave them. 5. Shirts. Shirts are one of the best college giveaways since they re both functional and efficient, and a win-win for both student and brand. The Road Trip Can t Be Outsourced to a Chauffeur We live in a society that wants to outsource everything, from our household chores to raising our kids. Outsourcing might work for a dirty bathroom, but it doesn t work for wealth. Wealth s road trip has no chauffeur and the toll can t be outsourced to a virtual assistant in India. CHAPTER 2 The picture The theater s marketing creatives probably sifted through thousands of pictures of each of these movie characters before deciding which ones to use, and they chose well. Even though Thornton Melon and Frank the Tank went back to school in films made almost twenty years apart, they re clearly steeped in the same frat DNA. Note If you are currently using a personal Timeline for business purposes, there is a possibility that Facebook will find and shut your account down without notice. To give you a chance to correct this error, Facebook provides a tool that will convert your personal Timeline to a business Page, available at https pages create.php?migrate . When you convert your personal account to a Facebook Page, your current profile picture will be transferred and all the profile s friends will be switched to fans who like your Page. In addition, your account s username will become the username for your Page, and the name associated with your personal account will become your Page s name you may be able to change this if you wish – I explain how in the next tip . No other content, including your wall posts, photos, videos, etc. will be carried over to your new Page, so be sure to download an archive of this data via your profile settings if you want to preserve it. A $50,000 oil change is as shocking as a $50,000 seminar. Good seminars are under $1,000 and are given by respectable experts, practitioners, and seminar firms. Good seminars are educational and don t come at the price of a new Cadillac Escalade. Bad seminars are hyped, high-pressure, and exploitative. Bad seminars are about making money and not about helping you.