Today s Fantastic Friends Giveaway is a 3-night beach stay in Gulf Shores Orange Beach in Alabama, complete with passes to area attractions and restaurant gift certificates. The prize is worth nearly $1500. Winner announced on NewsChannel 5 at 10 p.m. Today s Fantastic Friends Giveaway is a $500 SHOPPING SPREE to The Avenue Murfreesboro. The winner will be announced on NewsChannel 5 at 10 p.m. Shanelle 10 Summer 10 Lexie 10 Amy 9 Ava 8 We all have a good friendship relationship and we all care for each other and are always willin to help Channel 5 Tonight, 8pm. Gregg Wallace s Big Weekend Away. Channel 5 Fri 25 Jun 2021, 8pm. Kensington Palace Behind Closed Doors. Channel 5 Thu 24 Jun 2021, 8pm. Casualty 24 7 Every Second Counts. Channel 5 Wed 23 Jun 2021, 9pm. Hoarder Homes No Room to Move. Channel 5 Tue 22 Jun 2021, 9pm. NewsChannel 5 Nashville, Nashville, TN. 812,945 likes 48,596 talking about this. Nashville s most-trusted news. Watch for live newscasts and the latest weather, breaking and local news, in-depth… Instead of promoting Black Friday shopping, in 2015 REI took a bold approach by proactively encouraging its employees and customers to OptOutside . To do so, the company announced that it would close all of its retail locations and pay its employees as though it was a regular workday. The company said that its brand purpose was to get people outside, and it wanted to partner with its customers on Black Friday to get them to do something unprecedented. The brand shut down completely it didn t even process online orders that day. In game two of the IBM Jeopardy! challenge, this clue came up This clause in a union contract says that wages will rise or fall depending on a standard such as cost of living. First Watson parsed the sentence, that is, it chose and analyzed its key words. Then it derived from its already digested sources that wages were something that could rise or fall, a contract contained terms about wages, and contracts contained clauses. It had another very important clue the category heading was Legal E s. That told Watson the answer would be related to a common legal term and it would start with the letter E. Watson beat the humans to the answer What is an elevator clause? It took all of three seconds. Unfortunately, not every company is this innovative. As Sawyer points out in Group Genius It can be hard to find this kind of experience in large corporations, which tend to reward closing up communication, narrowing the channels, and minimizing risk. That s why people who seek out group flow often join startups or work for themselves. Serial entrepreneurs keep starting new business as much for the flow experience, as for the additional success. FIGURE 2-3 The Karen Martin Group uses SlideShare to establish credibility, experience, and expertise. So the next time you re trolling the Web looking to make money, sit back and ask yourself, What do I have to offer the world? Offer the world value, and money becomes magnetized to you!