5000 Subscribers Giveaways 08 31 2021 Previous Post XS Sparkling Electrolytes Sparkling Water Contest Next Post 4th of July Florida Golden Eagle Grade IV Camouflage WE MADE IT TO 100 SUBSCRIBERS IT S GIVEAWAYTIME2021 Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, to all of you who has supported our channel to 100 Subscribers?… Current Giveaway Details July 2021. This month, we have two awesome giveaways. First, we re giving away a Vanguard tripod and bag, with a retail value of $399.98 USD. Next, we re giving away a set of collapsible water bottles and a collapsible drinking tumbler from Hydaway, with a retail value of $83.85 USD. Giveaway promotions are ineligible to win for a period of 1 year to the day from BEGINNING DATE of winning the Giveaway to the BEGINNING DATE of new Giveaway promotion, and entries will be discarded. 2. HOW TO ENTER Giveaway begins 03 19 2021 at 9 00 a.m. PST US Time, and ends 04 02 2021 at 2 00p.m. PST US time the Giveaway Period . Our June giveaways closed on 28th June 2021 at midnight EST. Winners will be contacted and announced shortly, both in the newsletter and on this page. … While we strive to have our giveaway open to all subscribers, some of the giveaways have geographical, residency, age, or other restrictions. 3 Use the form below to enter the giveaway. When I figured out that I was pregnant, we were unofficially engaged. I had no ring, but I had his word, but there is always a but isn t it? But he needed to get divorced and he didn t think that after twelve years of marriage, his wife should have to bear the shame of a love child. And here I was, encouraged that he used the word love . Slowlane gurus praise this strategy. The edicts are clear Pay down your debt. Dump the new car for an old one. Raise your insurance deductibles. Cancel your credit cards and pay cash for everything. Quit buying $10 coffee at Starbucks. Bag your lunch. Shop in bulk. Spend four hours clipping coupons. C mon buddy, slash those expenses-some day you re going to be rich! Hilarious! Grasshopper, 162 163 Now I lay me down to sleep. Gloria almost sang the words, and I repeated, a little baby echo, eyes screwed tight. Before Amen, I opened my eyes and asked her to explain I pray the Lord my soul to take. She said that it was up to God to see if you got to wake up the next morning, to decide if you re afforded another day. If you died in the night, you asked to go with Him back up to heaven. Or at least this is how I took it. Stricken, I lay in my canopy bed, afraid to even blink my eyes for fear of falling into an eternal sleep. MJ, I m a high school teacher how do I go Fastlane?