5 valid EastShore coupon, coupons deals from HotDeals. Get 15 OFF EastShore coupon for June 2021. East Shore Specialty Foods, Inc. offers the most versatile Specialty Pretzels, Gourmet Mustards and Old Fashioned Dessert Sauces on the market. Based on Traditional Old Fashioned Recipes and Ingredients our Specialty Foods boast Classic Tastes that are reminiscent of eating at Grandmas while enjoying the Contemporary ease of purchasing a pre-made product. East Shore Specialty Foods, Hartland, WI. 592 likes 11 were here. EAST SHORE SPECIALTY FOODS was founded in 1986 by Jeri Mesching, teacher, homemaker and gourmet cook. The label features the… Specialty Food Coupon Promo Codes. Get 10 Off on Online Purchases. 30 Off Smoothment Items. 10 OFF CAVIAR With Code 10CAVIAR Through 11.15.11 Or Later. When you buy through links on RetailMeNot we may earn a commission. Learn More. EAST SHORE SPECIALTY FOODS offers the most versatile Specialty Pretzels on the market. When served in combination with EAST SHORE Mustards the two are a simple yet sophisticated dipping snack. On their own the Pretzels offer a traditional snack with a twist. Varieties of pretzels include the original Seasoned, Bavarian Style Dill Seasoned, Cajun, Roasted Garlic Black Pepper, Chipotle, Honey … I have already done so, replied Cadogan. He had read Marlborough s mind, and anticipated his order. Cadogan was the kind of follower who makes leadership easy. I have known men whom nobody could lead. R oughly half of all the advertising in the world is in the United States, and American agencies are paramount in the rest of the world. In West Germany, nine of the top agencies are American. In the United Kingdom and Holland, seven of the top ten. In Canada and Italy, six of the top ten. In 1977 Philip Kleinman, a British observer of the advertising scene, wrote that all over the world, admen look to Madison Avenue as Moslems look to Mecca. 1 www.wylio.com Technology and the marketplace have also brought the consumer a glut of ways to be exposed to advertising. When the FCC ruled the world of television, there were only three networks and a handful of independents. Networks made a fortune because they were the only game in town. Now there are dozens and, in some areas, hundreds of TV channels to choose from. Trouble is, the intrusions cannot be ignored or wished away. Nor can the coercion. Take the case of Aaron Abrams. He s a math professor at Washington and Lee University in Virginia. He is covered by Anthem Insurance, which administers a wellness program. To comply with the program, he must accrue 3,250 HealthPoints. He gets one point for each daily log-in and 1,000 points each for an annual doctor s visit and an on-campus health screening. He also gets points for filling out a Health Survey in which he assigns himself monthly goals, getting more points if he achieves them. If he chooses not to participate in the program, Abrams must pay an extra $50 per month toward his premium.