ARRL RAC Section Send and log the abbreviations in the ARRL Contest Multipliers List. The following is a typical Sweepstakes contact CQing Station CQ Sweepstakes from W9JJ. Answering Station W1AW. CQer W1AW 123 A W9JJ 79 CT. Ans 43 M W1AW 31 CT. CQer Thanks, CQ Sweepstakes from W9JJ. Contests – November CW Sweepstakes. 2021 2100Z, Nov 6 – 0259Z, Nov 8. Logs due 0259Z Nov 15. For stations in the United States and Canada including territories and possessions to exchange information with as many other US and Canadian stations as possible on 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meter bands. 2020 ARRL November Sweepstakes, Phone Results By Scott Davis, K5TA scottk5ta and Bruce Draper, AA5B bruceaa5b 2020 Phone Sweepstakes Full Results Version 1.0 Page 2 of 19 Sweepstakes Categories In 2020, ARRL added a new operating category to the running of SS Single-operator Unlimited, QRP. … ARRL November CW Sweepstakes 2020 Results. By Kelly Taylor, VE4XT ve4xt 2020 November CW Sweepstakes Full Results Version 1.0 Page 2 of 12 . For a while, that seemed to be 15, but it only lasted 15 minutes. At 21 15Z, he dropped down to 20 and started piling them up again. … Sweepstakes CW. Sweepstakes Phone. Legacy Contests. These are the multiplier definitions and abbreviations used by ARRL contests. Each contest uses a different set of multipliers which are listed in the rules for that contest. ARRL RAC Sections. United States. Canadian Provinces and Territories. Mexican States and Mexico City. 10 . https media 2010 oct 12 gap- logo- redesign . Chapter Fourteen Ideas, developing, 63 66 Promoting and hosting a Twitter chat In a spreadsheet, list every user who adds you as a friend on Snapchat use the Snapchatters Who Have Added Me menu to find them , and in the adjacent column, enter the date that they added you. Update this list once per day. After updating the list, send out a welcome message to the people who added you as a friend within the last 24 hours. Thank them for adding you as a friend and tell them to look out for an offer from you soon. In a new column on your spreadsheet called Welcome Message, add a check mark next to the users who have received a welcome message. Within 48 hours of a new user adding you as a friend, send out one or more offer snaps to them depending on how much space you need. In it, feature a specific discount code, hashtag, or shortened URL that you can track visits to or mentions of, e.g. 10 off their first order with code X or free shipping if they tweet with the hashtag X, etc. If you think your customers will be receptive to it, point them to a sign-up form for your newsletter, too. In a new column on your spreadsheet titled Offer, place a check mark to all new fans who have received the offer snap. Schedule and send out more general pieces of content to all of the fans who have received welcome and offer snaps in order to keep them familiar and engaged with your brand on Snapchat. Mark these as sent next to the relevant usernames in your spreadsheet, then repeat from the beginning.
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