Free Credit Score Report. CreditSecure. Bluebird. Accept Amex Cards. Refer A Friend. Additional Information Additional Information. Credit Intel Financial Education Center. Supplier Diversity. Credit 101. TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Read an important notice regarding Gift Cards purchased between January 1, 2002 and September 21, 2011.. Click here for information about addressing complaints regarding our money services business, lists of our money services business licenses and other disclosures.. Fee Free No Purchase Charge promotions related to the American Express Gift Card are intended for user … Answered 5 years ago Author has 1.7K answers and 1.9M answer views There is ordinarily a charge for purchasing the gift card, which by my recollection is usually either $4.95 or $5.95, depending on the value of the card with variable value cards, it s not related to how much you load on it . Other than that, there s no activation fee. Choose from over 20 American Express Gift Card designs to find a perfect gift for all the important people in your life. Get a Business Gift Card for star employees or loyal customers. Or a Personal Gift Card for friends and family. Values range from $25 to $3,000, so American Express Gift Cards can be a thoughtful gift for any occasion. American Express gift cards do not have an activation fee. Instead, a fee is charged at the time of purchase. Therefore, you shouldn t have any fees after the initial purchase. You should note that the fee does not affect your gift card balance. Increasing Views on Your YouTube Videos How This Book Is Organized At the conclusion of each chapter, there is a subsection titled Chapter Summary Fastlane Distinctions which chronicles the critical distinctions to Fastlane strategy. Don t ignore these! They re the building blocks to engineering your Fastlane. Additionally, the stories and examples in this book come from the Fastlane Forum and other personal finance forums. While the stories are real and come from real people with real problems, I ve changed the names and edited the dialogue for clarity. And finally, feel free to discuss Fastlane strategy with thousands of others at the free Fastlane Forum . When the Fastlane changes your life, stop by and tell us how or email me at mj.demarco ! A book costs about $2 to print and $20 in the store. A huge gulf! But most of that money disappears in advertising, shipping, and especially in the shredding of unsold books. What if you could remove all of those? When a 20-year old basketball player leaves college and scores a $30 million contract, you ve just witnessed Slowlane defiance. When an actress lands a $15 million lead role in a major motion picture, you ve just witnessed Slowlane defiance. When an obese freckly-faced Irish guy ascends from waiter to top finalist on American Idol , the limitations of the Slowlane roadmap are shattered because intrinsic value explodes. Suddenly, intrinsic value has leverage because of demand. That day was like any other day I sought ice cream. I plotted the flavor of my next indulgence and headed toward the ice cream parlor. When I arrived, there it was. I was face to face with my dream car a Lamborghini Countach famous from the 80s hit movie Cannonball Run. Parked stoically like an omnipotent king, I gazed upon it like a worshiper beholden to its God. Awestruck, any thoughts of ice cream were banished from my brain.