100 Satisfaction Guaranteed. Send up to $1,000 with the suggestion to use it at Vic Stewart s. Delivered in a customized greeting card by email, mail, or printout. The recipient redeems online and receives the gifted funds. Enjoy the thoughtfulness of a gift card or gift certificate with more convenience and flexibility. Get Stewart s Gift Certificates, My Money Cards, or Gas Cards for redemption at any Stewart s Shop in NY or VT. … My Money Cards can be used at any Stewart s Shops location for anything in our shops coffee, ice cream, hot dogs, gas, even lottery! Gas Cards. Buy a Vic Stewart s gift card! Personalized gift cards and unique delivery options. Vic Stewart s gift cards for any amount. 100 Satisfaction Guaranteed. Vic Stewart s, 850 S Broadway, Walnut Creek, CA. Buy a Vic Stewart s Gift Card Buy a Vic Stewart s Gift Personalize your gift for Vic Stewart s. Choose to email or print. Sender Amount $25 $50 $75 $100 $200 $500 presentation. View all styles Delivery Email Printable Your e-card will be emailed to your recipient with your personalized message. Vic Stewart s Steakhouse is now open for INDOOR dining! Tuesday – Thursday, 4 30pm – 9 00pm. Friday Saturday, 4 30pm – 10 00pm. Sunday, 4 30pm – 9 00pm. Give us a call and make a reservation today! 925 240-2828. Vic Stewart s refined menu suits every age and palate, including mouthwatering aged mid-western beef, fresh fish, pastas, chicken … Girl, I ain t worried about no DUI. I walked over here. This town ain t no bigger than a minute. Local-group organizing for face-to-face meetings That tool is the rational agent theory of economics. In microeconomics, the study of the economic behavior of individuals and firms, economists once thought that people and groups of people rationally pursued their interests. They made choices that maximized their utility, or satisfaction as we noted in chapter 4 . You could anticipate their preferences because they were rational in the economic sense. Rational here doesn t mean commonsense rational in the way that, say, wearing a seat belt is a rational thing to do. Rational has a specific microeconomics meaning. It means that an individual or agent will have goals and also preferences called a utility function in economics . He will have beliefs about the world and the best way to achieve his goals and preferences. As conditions change, he will update his beliefs. He is a rational economic agent when he pursues his goals with actions based on up-to-date beliefs about the world. Mathematician John von Neumann 1903 1957 codeveloped the idea connecting rationality and utility functions. As we ll see, von Neumann laid the groundwork for many ideas in computer science, AI, and economics. What an impact! Talk about heart marketing! Versus posts