To create this glitter gift bag, simply cover the area you want to decorate in glue and sprinkle it with the glitter of your choice. Once your bag has dried, fill it with shredded craft paper or tissue to stick with the festive theme. Then add the gift card to the bag for super easy DIY wrapping. No-Sew Fabric Gift Bag When purchasing the gift card, request a cup, sleeve and lid. Tuck the gift card inside and wrap with a ribbon and gift tag. Wrap the long edges of the gift wrap around the card. Fold in the long edges of the gift wrap around the gift card and toward the middle so that they meet and overlap, and then tape the paper down to secure to the surface. The tape will help hold the paper s shape as you continue to wrap. Tissue paper is a great gift wrapping tool, just be careful because it will rip easily. Use tissue paper to wrap your gift with help from a gift basket shop … Setting up your brand s profile Boyd, William, 168 Like Google AdWords, pricing is on a bid basis, where you can set your daily maximum and campaign duration. You remember the last day we were together and I carried you to down to the stream to hear the bridge music? I planned to tell you then and there that Big Roy wasn t my biological father. I lost my nerve, but I had to eventually come correct because it wasn t fair for us to be talking about growing a family without you knowing about a genetic joker in the pack. I wanted to do what was right, although I know I should have told you before we even got married. I started to bring it up a couple of times, but I could never make myself spit it out. We fought hard over it and that particular disagreement led up to the predicament that I find myself in now. I have to confess that although I apologized to you for not telling you sooner, it s not until now that I see how it feels to not know somebody that you think you know.