You can trade gift cards for cash at a Coinstar Exchange kiosk, which beats the trouble of shipping it. The machine will offer you a deal, and you ll need to verify your ID with a driver s license… Gift Card Granny is a website designed to help you sell your gift cards for cash in three simple steps Go to and enter the gift card brand. Enter the remaining balance. Submit… However, you can get top dollar if you re the only one trying to get rid of a Nike gift card. Selling gift cards is easy with Gift Card Granny. Simply enter the store and the remaining balance. Select Get Offers Now and you ll be sent to a list of gift card merchants willing to buy your card. Cardpool is an online gift card exchange platform that allows you to both sell your unwanted gift cards as well as buy gift cards at a discounted price. You can sell your gift cards, both physical and digital, to get cash. Like every other card exchange, you don t get 100 of your card s value back to you. 19. Exit fastlane superchargEr Have an Exit strategy. Full passivity accomplished by a money system is one Fastlane destination. Money systems are best funded by liquidation events of massive asset values. Know when it s time to liquidate your assets, transforming paper money into real money. Know when it s time to get off the horse and learn to ride a new one. 7 Keep your illustrations as simple as possible, with the focus of interest on one person. Crowd scenes don t pull. Your Year with Nike , 34 Personal Net Income Intrinsic Value Personal Expenses If you don t want to see me, I can t force you. It is unkind that you would cut me off because I can t be exactly the way you want me to be. I ll say it again I m not abandoning you. I would never do that.